Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Recent Finds


Yes, it's time to see what Ghostbusters related items I have found recently.

Running my own toy shop, I naturally am out hunting for toys every single day, so it is inevitable that occasionally I will find something Ghostbusters related.

It's a rare day when I have much luck, and judging by the photos below, luck isn't a great word to use for what I have found, but hey, it's something I suppose.

I put this post together as a way to show off everything at once, seeing as I have had most of it sitting in my car for the last week or so. Think of this as my way of justifying buying more Ghostbusters stuff, even though I already have plenty.


Photo: I told myself I wasn't going to buy anything, but myself reminded me that I'm full of shit.

As you might have noticed from my last post, I did indeed pick up the Funko Stay Puft as well as Ray, Egon, and the Ghostbusters Omnibus.

These were found in my local Barnes & Noble book stores. Stay Puft had a price tag of $14.95 while Ray and Egon were much cheaper at just $8,.95 each.

The Omnibus ran $24.99. It isn't very well made as some pages seems to be much darker than others with the text very hard to read. I'm not sure if I just got a bad copy, or it they were all like that.


I picked this Ghostbusters story book up on Tuesday. It was in the antique mall where my shop in located. The dealer who was selling it is a royal piece of shit. He is the spoiled rich kid type whose mommy and daddy have a bunch of money so he does nothing with his life.

He had $9.50 on it which was not going to happen in any universe, especially since he is always trying to get my items at a discount.

I gave him $5 for it. $5 more than I wanted to pay for it seeing as I already have one, but as we all know, I cannot walk away without it.

That's okay, his sales number don't come close to mine. Ever.


Last week at the thrift store I picked up the Ghostbusters 2 paperback novel (if you could even call it a novel) for 45 cents. A much better deal than the Ghostbusters story book for sure.

The only real interesting thing about the novel (other than I am pretty sure I already have one of them) is that it does include some of the deleted scenes from the movie, mainly the struggles between Louis and Slimer.


In a very obvious case of "Mr. Ghostbuster really does buy anything with a Ghostbusters logo on it" I now own two more copies of Ghostbusters 2.

I honestly have zero justification for buying them, other than they were a dollar each.

I really do own about 40 copies of the films, be it on VHS, DVD, or Laser Disc.

Chances are, I probably won't even watch these as I already have my go-to copies of each, but it's always nice to have an extra. Or a million extras in my case.


And last but not least, a Ghostbusters Ecto siren from McDonald's.

This was sitting in a bag of toy cars for $3 at Goodwill the other day.

Knowing I had to buy it, I figured that worst case scenario, I could at least sell the Hotwheels cars for $1 each and make back the money I spent, all while keeping the Ecto siren.


All in all, nothing terrible about these finds,  but they aren't anything that I don't already have.

I suppose I could have ended up not finding anything though.

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