Tuesday, August 26, 2014

3 Random Things

I thought I would try something a little bit different today.

Instead of taking one bigger item out of my collection and writing about it, I'm taking three smaller items and talking a little less than I normally would about them.

Think of it as my way of somehow justifying having so much Ghostbusters stuff.

Hey, the little shit needs love too, right?

Any who, here are 3 random items I pulled out of my collection to show you.

1: Ghostbusters Key Caps!

I really had no intention of ever putting these on an actual key when I bought them.

I do believe that the sole purpose of purchasing a set of Ghostbusters Key Cap was that they are GHOSTBUSTERS Key Caps. Aside from that, no real reason for needing to have them.

 It gets harder and harder to find anything Ghostbusters related anymore, so when I stumbled across these at the local mall, I couldn't pull out my wallet fast enough.

Though if I ever were to put these on actual keys, I'd for sure be the coolest kid on the block rocking a Stay Puft key.

2: Ghostbusters Energy Drink Can

For a short time I could pick these up at the mall in certain stores (you know, the kind ran by kids who have far too many piercings and like to listen to Phish records?) but all of the sudden they seemed to go away.

Lucky for me, there is a little shop here in town that specializes in weird candy and soda, so they always have them, although I'm not sure if they do anymore since it has been no less than two years since I've forced myself to go in there.

Regardless, I always seem to keep the cans after I drink them. There is just something about throwing a Ghostbusters thing in the garbage that doesn't work well for me at all.

3: Slimer Bike Horn

These may very well have been the best set of toys McDonald's ever offered us.

I can recall the day I found out that Mickey D's had these. The commercial came on TV and it was totally an, "Oh shit! We need to go there NOW, and I don't care if it's not 10:30 yet. Buy an Egg McMuffin but get me the Ghostbusters toy" moments.

I seriously own enough of these right now that I could set them all up and hire a seal to play me a wonderful tune with his nose.

No, I wouldn't buy a seal. My bathtub is too small and I don't like raw fish.

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