Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Real Ghostbusters Tent!

One of my all time favorite Ghostbusters items from my childhood.

When I was little, my parents bought me the Real Ghostbusters play tent. It wasn't a must have item by any means, but it sure did add something nice to your Ghostbusters collection.

This was seriously where you could find me on most days,. Hiding out in here playing with my Ghostbusters toys. What can I say, my whole life revolved around it. It still does, with the exception of way too much grown up crap mixed in.

This tent, if not kept on the floor, sat on top of my bed, where I slept inside of it nearly every night, while trying to avoid our evil cat that would try to claw my feet.

I'm sure Kitty Joe is long dead now. I think we just left him there when we moved to a bigger town.

I miss Kitty Joe. The little dickhead that he was.

My biggest gripe about the tent, even when I was 4, was that Winston was not on there. I was pissed. How could you possibly be okay sleeping inside of a Ghostbusters tent that wasn't protected by all four boys in grey?

Poor Winston got let off of all kinds of stuff.

When the opportunity to score this on Ebay for way too much money came up earlier in the year, I could not pass it up.

Sure it takes up way too much room and serves zero purpose now, but one look at it, and the memories flood back so thick that you have to brush them away.

The basic answer to the question that you are most likely to ask is NO I haven't slept in it. I can barely crawl inside it and be able to get up off of the floor. That shit hurts!

The tent, after all these years, still has lots of bright color on it to illuminate faded memories of long ago.

While I'm not a fan of Ray's face, Slimer at least appears to be pretty chill. As chill as Slimer can be anyway.

I'll never fully understand how a group of men, whose company slogan is "We aint afraid of no ghost" always seems to have the biggest look of fright on their faces nearly every time they are immortalized in merchandise form.

Stupid, I know, but I had to at least complain about something.

I like to think of the tent as our "Guest Bedroom" even though it really only functions as an eye sore that my current cat hides out in.

This Thursday has been deemed "National Ghostbusters Day" by Sony Pictures. To celebrate, there will be an article about me in the local news paper featuring my collection.

I'll post up the link here and on Facebook sometime on Thursday.

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