Sunday, July 27, 2014


Fearsome Flush was awesome in the fact that he was a stand alone toy. 

Unlike the Gooper Ghosts or Haunted Humans, Fearsome Flush was just kind of by himself. Sure, there were others that weren't attached to a particular series. It was almost like an "every ghost for itself" kind of thing. Ghosts that were a little to scary or gruesome to be bundled in with others only to get lost in the shuffle.

Fearsome flush had that special kind of scary to him.

Fearsome Flush always had his own special spot in my Ghostbuster's Firehouse play set. I typically would keep him on the second floor. My reasoning for that was that the main floor was a little too crowded with Ecto-1 (unless of course it was parked outside) and third floor was just a little too far to make it if you really had to pinch a loaf.

Naturally, he had to be kept inside of the Firehouse. I mean, after all, he did have the Ghostbusters logo emblazoned on his seat, right?

 I can't imagine little Johnny down on 10th Street having his very own Ghostbusters toilet.

The concept of the toy is fairly simple.

 Let's use Louis as our test subject, since he is rather small and defenseless. 

Louis has had a long day of doing taxes, pretending to be a Ghostbusters, and hitting on Janine.

 He has been so busy that he forgot to make a bowel movement after lunch, which is a typical thing for him to do.

 Louis likes to run on a schedule.

Little does Louis know, something got out of the Containment Unit and possessed the crapper. 

It doesn't just want your feces, it wants your blood, and will stop at nothing to get it.

Normally, the feature on Fearsome Flush would be activated simply by rolling it, but for purposes of killing Louis, it wasn't

No action figures were harmed in the making of this post.

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