Monday, June 30, 2014

Universal Studios Ghostbusters -- Weekly Post for 7-02-14

Well, been a slow week on the Ghostbusters end of life. There really wasn't much in the way of interesting news or articles floating around the web, and the official Ghostbusters Facebook page still refuses to acknowledge anything involving me, so I figured that this week, instead of trying to dig up news, and instead of pulling out an old toy and telling you the story behind when I got it, we could take a trip down memory lane and talk about the Ghostbusters stage show at Universal Studios Florida.

I sadly came from a family that never vacationed. Their idea of a vacation meant a trip to the Omaha Zoo and possibly a stop at the outlet mall. Deprived fucking childhood.

Imagine just a little bit of my disappointment when I finally did get to take a drip down to Universal Studios Florida. Twenty fucking years too late.

In the above photo, you can see the Universal Ghostbusters Firehouse from back in it's heyday on the left (courtesy of Pop Rewind), and the Firehouse in July 2013 on the right (photo on right taken by myself).

First, let me tell you that while one part of me was happy to have located it inside of the park, there was an even bigger part of me that wanted to travel back in time and strangle the shit out of everybody I've ever known for our family being so poor and never taking a trip to this glorious place when it was at it's finest.

Thanks to the video below, those of us who never got to see it live can see it in grainy 25 year old computer screen form. One thing that has always bothered me just a little, but at the same time intrigues me is the fact that the voice overs being done are those of the voice actors from The Real Ghostbusters.

Gone are the days of paid actors posing as Ghostbusters parading around the park in their uniforms and Proton Packs alongside the Ecto-1.


Gone are the days of exiting the Ghostbusters stage show and having a giant orgasm while browsing the merchandise in the Ghostbusters gift shop.


Gone is everything good. It's just gone. Long gone.

Depressing, eh?

Of course, Universal discontinued the original Spooktackular years ago and replaced it with the Extreme Ghostbusters / Beetlejuice clusterfuck, but luckily, thanks to the magic of Youtube, the memories live on.

Yeah, a pretty pointless post this week, that's okay though, this whole week has been pointless. Just boring, uneventful day after boring, uneventful day.

I'm going to drink.

See you next week.

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