Sunday, June 8, 2014

The REAL Ghostbuster Puffy Stickers

Yes, just proof that our beloved Ghostbusters were plastered on anything and everything at the height of their popularity in the 1980's. I suppose it should come as no surprise that "Puffy Stickers" would be made to bear the resemblance of our favorite ghost catchers.

The stickers pretty much speak for themselves. As the package says, they stick to anything. I've decided not to try and debunk that theory in the interest of leaving them as they are, so we'll assume that after nearly 30 years of being stuck inside of a plastic wrapper that there is a little bit of life left in the goop that binds them to whatever surface you choose to put them on.

All of the core characters are featured here. Egon, Ray, Peter, Winston, and Janine. Interestingly enough there is no Slimer or Stay Puft. I could see excluding Stay Puft, but seeing as Slimer was a huge part of the cartoon series, it makes me wonder why the didn't replace the Real Ghostbusters logo sticker with one of Slimer, being as there is already a plain Ghostbusters logo sticker included.

Now that I'm done nitpicking about Slimer not having his own puffy sticker, I should note that after almost 30 years, there isn't any more puffy to the stickers. They now look like puffy stickers who lost 30 pounds thanks to Jenny Craig.

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